दिल्ली प्रदूषण नियंत्रण समिति

एनसीटी दिल्ली सरकार

रासायनिक मानक

रासायनिक मानक

Schedule - 2
[See rule 3(14)(b)]

List of Wastes Constituents with Concentration Limits Class A

Concentration limit: = 50 mg/kg

A1 Antimony and antimony compounds
A2 Arsenic and arsenic compounds
A3 Beryllium and beryllium compounds
A4 Cadmium and cadmium compounds
A5 Chromium (VI) compounds
A6 Mercury and mercury compounds
A7 Selenium and selenium compounds
A8 Tellurium and tellurium compounds
A9 Thallium and thallium compounds
A10 Inorganic cyanide compounds
A11 Metal carbonyls
A12 Napthalene
A13 Anthracene
A14 Phenanthrene
A15 Chrysene, benzo (a) anthracene, fluoranthene, benzo (a) pyrene, benzo (K) fluoranthene, indeno (1, 2, 3-cd) pyrene and benzo (ghi) perylene
A16 halogenated compounds of aromatic rings, e.g. polychlorinated biphenyls, polychloroterphenyls and their derivatives
A17 Halogenated aromatic compounds
A18 Benzene
A19 Organo-chlorine pesticides
A20 Organo-tin Compounds


Waste constituents and their concentration limits given in this list are based on BAGA (the Netherlands Environment Protection Agency) List of Hazardous Substances. In order to decide whether a specific material listed above is hazardous or not, following points be taken into consideration:

  1. If a component of the waste appears in one of the five risk classes listed above (A,B,C,D or E) and the concentration of the component is equal to or more than the limit for the relevant risks class, the material is then classified as hazardous waste.
  2. If a chemical compound containing a hazardous constituent is present in the waste, the concentration limit does not apply to the compound, but only to the hazardous constituent itself.
  3. If multiple hazardous constituents from the same class are present in the waste, the concentrations are added together.
  4. If multiple hazardous constituents from different classes are present in the waste, the lowest concentration limit corresponding to the constituent(s) applies.
  5. For substances in water solution, the concentration limit for dry matter must be used. If the dry matter content is less than 0.1% by weight, the concentration limit, reduced by a factor of one thousand, applies to the solution.


Class B

Concentration limit: = 5, 000 mg/kg

B1 Chromium (III) compounds
B2 Cobalt compounds
B3 Copper compounds
B4 Lead and lead compounds
B5 Molybdenum compounds
B6 Nickel compounds
B7 Inorganic Tin compounds
B8 Vanadium compounds
B9 Tungsten compounds
B10 Silver compounds
B11 Halogenated aliphatic compounds
B12 Organo phosphorus compounds
B13 Organic peroxides
B14 Organic nitro-and nitroso-compounds
B15 Organic azo-and azooxy compounds
B16 Nitriles
B17 Amines
B18 (Iso-and thio-) cyanates
B19 Phenol and phenolic compounds
B20 Mercaptans
B21 Asbestos
B22 Halogen-silanes
B23 Hydrazine (s)
B24 Flourine
B25 Chlorine
B26 Bromine
B27 White and red phosphorus
B28 Ferro-silicate and alloys
B29 Manganese-silicate
B30 Halogen-containing compounds which produce acidic vapours on contact with humid air or water, e.g. silicon tetrachloride, aluminium chloride, titanium tetrachloride


Class C

Concentration limit; = 20, 000 mg/kg

C1 Ammonia and ammonium compounds
C2 Inorganic peroxides
C3 Barium compounds except barium sulphate
C4 Fluorine compounds
C5 Phosphate compounds except phosphates of aluminium, calcium and iron
C6 Bromates, (hypo-bromites)
C7 Chlorates, (hypo-chlorites)
C8 Aromatic compounds other than those listed under A12 to A18
C9 Organic silicone compounds
C10 Organic sulphur compounds
C11 Iodates
C12 Nitrates, nitrites
C13 Sulphides
C14 Zinc compounds
C15 Salts of per-acids
C13 Acid amides
C14 Acid anhydrides


Class D

Concentration limit: = 50, 000 mg/kg

D1 Total Sulphur
D2 Inorganic acids
D3 Metal hydrogen sulphates
D4 Oxides and hydroxides except those of hydrogen, carbon, silicon, iron, aluminum, titanium, manganese, magnesium, calcium
D5 Total hydrocarbons other than those listed under A12 to A18
D6 Organic oxygen compounds
D7 Organic nitrogen compounds expressed as nitrogen
D8 Nitrides
D9 Hydrides


Class E

Regardless of concentration limit; Classified as hazardous wastes at all concentrations

E1 Flammable substances
E2 Substances which generate hazardous quantities of flammable gases on contact with water or damp air
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