दिल्ली प्रदूषण नियंत्रण समिति

एनसीटी दिल्ली सरकार



  • Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) is an autonomous regulatory body came into existence w.e.f. 01.06.1991 after Notification Dated 15.03.1991 of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which delegated all its powers and functions to DPCC, under Section 4(4) of Water Act & Section 6 of Air Act.
  • DPCC acts as a regulatory body in respect of NCT of Delhi for implementation of various Environmental / Pollution Control Laws enacted by the Parliament and notified by MOEF, Govt. of India headed by Chairman, DPCC [Secretary (Env.), Govt. of NCT of Delhi].
  • DPCC was reconstituted on 27th May 2022 vide notification File No. C-603/Delhi PCC/Legal-2022 and Consists of 15 Members including Chairman, Member Secretary, Representatives of various Govt. Departments, Experts in the field of Environment and NGOs.
II. DPCC Members

Chairman, Delhi Pollution Control Committee



Principal Secretary/Secretary (Environment), Government of NCT of Delhi or his/her nominee



Commissioner, Department of Industries, Government of NCT of Delhi or his/her Nominee



Secretary, Department of Urban Development, Government of NCT of Delhi or his/her Nominee



Commissioner, Department of Transport, Government of NCT of Delhi or his/her nominee



Principal Secretary, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of NCT of Delhi or his/her nominee



Commissioner, East Delhi Municipal Corporation or his/her nominee



Director, Health Services, Government of NCT of Delhi or his/her nominee



Director/ Deputy Secretary (In-charge of CP Division in the matters of CPCB)



Dr. S.K. Goyal, Chief Scientist & Head, CSIR-NEERI, Delhi Zonal Centre, Delhi



Dr. Anil Kumar Gupta, Chairman of CETP, Jhilmil, Delhi



Prof. Vijay K Minocha, Head of Department, Civil Engineering. Delhi Technical University, Delhi



Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board or his/her Nominee



Managing Director, Delhi State Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation or his/her nominee



Member Secretary, Delhi Pollution Control Committee

Member Secretary

Under the above mentioned Acts and Rules, the main functions of the Delhi Pollution Control Committee specified by Government of India as per the Water, Air EPA Act and Noise Pollution Rules are as follows.

  • Advise the Delhi Government on any matter concerning prevention and control of water and air pollution and improvement of the quality of air
  • Organize through mass media, a comprehensive mass awareness programme on the prevention, control or abatement of water and air pollution;
  • Collect, compile and publish technical and statistical data relating to water and air pollution and the measures devised for their effective prevention, control or abatement;
  • Prepare manuals, codes and guidelines relating to treatment and disposal of sewage and trade effluents as well as for stack gas cleaning devices, stacks and ducts;
  • Disseminate information in respect of matters relating to water and air pollution and their prevention and control;
  • Lay down standards for treatment of sewage and trade effluents and for emissions from automobiles, industrial plants, and any other polluting source;
  • Develop reliable and economically viable methods of treatment of sewage, trade effluent and air pollution control equipment;
  • Assess the quality of ambient water and air, and inspect wastewater treatment installations, air pollution control equipment, industrial plants or manufacturing process to evaluate their performance and to take steps for the prevention, control and abatement of air and water pollution.
  • Issuance of the Consent Certificate to the Industries falling in conforming areas under Green and Orange Categories.
  • Issuance of Authorization to the Hospitals, Clinics, Animal Clinics, Blood Banks etc.
III. Functions and Activities of Consent Management Cell
  1. Under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, any industry, operation or process or an extension and addition thereto, which is likely to discharge sewerage or trade effluent into the environment or likely to emit any air pollution into the atmosphere will have to obtain consent of the State Pollution Control Board i.e. Delhi Pollution Control Committee in case of Delhi. Consent Management Cell of DPCC processes and issues the consent under the provisions of Water (P&CP) Act 1974 and Air (P&CP) Act, 1981 keeping in view the other applicable pollution control laws/rules.
  2. The function of Consent Management Cell is enforcement of following:
    Pollution Control Acts & Rules.
    1. Bio-medical Waste Management Rules,2016
    2. E-Waste(Management) Rules, 2016.
    3. Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.
    4. Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016
    5. Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
    6. Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
  3. To streamline the processing / disposal of the Consent applications received under the Water Act, 1974 & Air Act, 1981 and Authorization under the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, DPCC has been framing policies and issuing necessary office orders from time to time. Further, consequent upon the directions issued by Chairman, CPCB u/s l8 (1 ) (b) of Water and Air Act regarding classification of industries and decisions taken by DPCC in the Board meeting held on 27.02.2017, the following is ordered vide order dt: 17.04.2017 & 31.05.2017.
    • The industries in Delhi has been classified in Red/ Orange/ Green/ White category as per the list, indicating the classification of 637 industries as uploaded on DPCC website.
    • The industries categorized under White category shall not be required to obtain the Consent to Establish / Operate under the Air & Water Acts and submit an undertaking to DPCC online and send the signed copy of the undertaking within 30 days to DPCC.
    • The industries categorized under Red, Orange and Green category only need to apply for Consent to Establish/ Operate under the Air & Water Acts. The period of Consent to Establish shall be from one year to seven years as requested by the Project Proponent. However, the Consent to Operate / Renewal shall be granted for 5 years in case of Red/Orange Category and 10 years in case of Green category of Industries
    • The consent under Air and Water Acts & Authorization/ Registration under the applicable Rules shall be decided by following:
      1. Category II(a) cases by the committee headed by Chairman DPCC
      2. Category II(b) cases by the committee headed by Member Secretary, DPCC
      3. Category I cases by the concerned Sr. Env. Engineer / Ce1I In-charge.
    • Prohibited / Negative List of Industries mentioned in "Annexure-7.0 (III)" of the Master Plan for Delhi- 2021 are not permitted in NCT of Delhi and therefore application for Consent/ Authorization Registration shall not be accepted from such units
    • The categorization of any new industrial activity etc will be done by the existing Committee for harmonization of classification of the industries with approval of MS and Chairman, DPCC and the above mentioned list shall be appended accordingly



      Deciding Authority





      Activities/Process which require installation of pollution control device(s) for controlling pollution  in emission/effluent in respect of :
      (a) SPIs/STPs of DJB, WTPs of DJB, CETPs/Power Plant/MSW Plants etc.

      Committee comprising of :
      (a) Chairman, DPCC-Chairman
      (b) Member Secretary, DPCC-Member
      (c) Dr. S.K. Gupta, Professor, IIT, Delhi-Member
      (d) Prof. C.R. Babu, Professor Emeritus(CEMDE), University of Delhi-Member
      (e) Dr.Anil Kumar, Director DoE-Member
      (f) All SEEs of concerned Cell-Member
      (g) All EEs of concerned Cell-Member

      Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

      Inspection will be necessary before the case is placed before the committee.


      Activities/Process other than those falling under clause II(a)

      Committee of the following:
      (a) Member Secretary, DPCC-Chairman

      (b) All SEEs of concerned Cell-Member
      (c) All EEs of concerned Cell-Member

      Within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

      Inspection post-decision or pre-decision as may be ordered by the committee.


      Activities under Green Category except activities / process which require  installation of pollution control device(s) such as Emission control system(ECS) or Effluent Treatment Plant(ETP)/Sewage Treatment Plant(STP)/ Ready Mix Concrete Plants(RMCs).

      Cell In-Charge/Sr. Env Engineer Concerned

      Within 07 days from the date of receipt of the application.

      The application shall be decided within 7 days from the date of receipt itself except where there is ambiguity with respect to classification which needs clarity /examination

  4. It is mandatory to apply for consent through online DPCC portal and unit is required to send by post hard copy of the application along with required documents to DPCC.
  5. The above mentioned committees are taking decisions online in its meetings.
  6. DPCC is receiving application for consent and authorisation from the areas notified for redevelopment under MPD – 2021 as per office order dated 14.12.2016.
  7. DPCC also accepts application for registration online under the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016.
  8. Authorizations are granted under the provisions of Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 for the Hazardous Waste Generating Units
  9. Meetings of the two Committees constituted for deciding consent and authorization are held regularly and decisions taken are implemented by the concerned CMC
  10. Inspection is conducted on the directions of the Consent Management Committee or the Competent Authority
  11. CMC also ensures all industrial units adhere to the pollution control norms.
  12. No consent to operate is granted until industrial unit has obtained consent to establish.
  13. Redressal of public complaints received through web portals of PGMS. Listening post of LG, GMS, CP Grams etc. as per the policy
  14. Household industries as per the criteria given in MPD-2021 have to obtain No Objection certificate from the high powered committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Commissioner of Industries, Department of Industries and Government of Delhi in reference to the Hon'ble Supreme Court orders in I.A. No 22 in WP(C) No. 4677 of 1985 titled as M.C. Mehta Vs. Union of India & Others.
Units Operating in Residential Area/Non-Confirming Area
  • With regard to closure of the illegal units from the residential / non-conforming areas, Hon'ble Supreme Court has passed an order on 07.05.2004 in I.A. No 22 in WP(C) No. 4677 of 1985 titled as M.C. Mehta Vs. Union of India & Others. As per the order all industrial units that have come up in residential / non-conforming areas in Delhi on or after 1st August, 1990 shall close down.
  • As per the meetings held before Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi lastly on 05.06.2015, it has already been decided that action on industries operating in non -conforming areas and violating the Master Plan of Delhi will be taken under the Delhi Development Act by the Delhi Development Authority in development areas and Municipal Corporation of Delhi in all other areas. Commissioner of Industries is working as a Nodal Officer on behalf of the Hon'ble Supreme Court Monitoring Committee as constituted by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India in the order dated 07.05.2004
  • Municipal Corporation of Delhi, which have been entrusted with the powers to enforce the Master Plan has original jurisdiction to ensure that no industry runs in violation of MPD-2021.
  • Household industries as per the criteria given in MPD-2021 have to obtain No Objection certificate from the high powered committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Commissioner of Industries, Department of Industries and Government of Delhi in reference to the Hon'ble Supreme Court orders in I.A. No 22 in WP(C) No. 4677 of 1985 titled as M.C. Mehta Vs. Union of India & Others.
IV.Functions and Activities of EIA Cell

Vide notification of Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India dated 14.09.2006, prior Environmental Clearance is mandatory for all the construction projects listed in the schedule of this notification.

As per the notification, the project listed in the schedule along with building and construction projects having built up area of more than 20,000 m2 are required to obtain prior Environmental Clearance (EC). The complete procedure for the grant of EC is enumerated in this notification.

Vide notification of Ministy of Environment, Forest & Climate Change dated 01.04.15, SEIAA and SEAC have been re-constituted for considering the category “B” projects for Environmental Clearance.

V. Functions and Activities of Planning & Coordination Cell

All matters related to Planning and Coordination, Parliamentary / Assembly questions including DRTI, Mass awareness programmes including participations in seminars, conferences, workshops and training programmes etc. This cell will also coordinated all matters related to CPCB, Ministries of the Government of India and different departments of GNCTD and other NGOs / Environment related institutes in Delhi, India and abroad. Holding DPCC Board meetings, Assessment of water CESS, Empanelment of Consultants.

VI. Functions and Activities of Waste Management Cells


Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules,2016 and also other Acts / Rules including Air Act, Water Act, Environment (Protection) Act etc are applicable to the Health Care Establishments  in  Delhi.

There are 2 Committees which decide Consent under Air &Water Acts and Authorization under BMW Rules:

BMW Committee

For deciding applications for Authorization under BMW Rules and Consent under Air & Water Act, in   respect of Hospitals/Health Care Establishments/ Nursing Homes etc.  Having bed strength less than 51 beds including Digonistic Centres, Path Labs etc. Authorization and Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate under BMW Rules will be decided by Concerned Branch Encharge.


Hospital/ Nursing Homes/Health Care Establishments etc. having bed strength of more than 50 beds including Digonistic Centres, Path Labs etc. Authorization and Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate under BMW Rules will be decided by following Committes:-

Member of the Commiittee


BMW Committee No. 1

  1. Chairman, DPCC
  2. Member Secretary, DPCC
  3. Dr. Anil Kumar, Director(Environment)
  4. Member Secretary, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health (COEH)
  5. Medical Supritendent, GB Pant Hospital
  6. Smt. Bharti Chaturvedi, Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group
  7. Dr. T. K Joshi, COEH
  8. Concerned Sr. Env. Engineer.
  9. Concerned Env. Engineer.

Hospital/ Nursing Homes/Health Care Establishments etc. having bed strength of 200 and above including operators of Common Bio- Medical Waste (CBWTF) and Transportation of Bio-medical Waste and EIA cases.


BMW Committee No. 2

  1. Member Secretary, DPCC
  2. Dr. Anil Kumar, Director(Environment)
  3. Medical Supritendent, Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital
  4. Concerned Sr. Env. Engineer.
  5. Concerned Env. Engineer.

Hospital/ Nursing Homes/ Health Care Establishments etc.with bed strength of 51 to 199.


Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facilities (CBWTFs) in Delhi

There are two operators of CBWTFs in Delhi :

  1. M/s Biotic Waste Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 46 , SSI Industrial Area,G.T.Karnal Road, Delhi-33 Phone (O) : 011 - 47528106, 47528107 .
  1. M/s SMS Water Grace BMW Pvt. Ltd, Nilothi Sewage Treatment Plant Complex of DJB, Nilothi, Delhi-41 Phone No. 011-28363691, 28363692, 28363693, 28363079. Fax No: 011-28363690 Mob: 09560521112, 09871222338.

Following two agencies have been identified by DPCC for collection of the mercury from the Hospital/Health Care Establishments in Delhi.

  1. Shri Rohit Talwar , M/s Supreme Surgico , 262 / 425 , Lane No. 8, Friends Colony Industrial Area, Shadara, Delhi. (Mobile No. 9958527527)
  1. Shri Sandeep Kalra, M/s Anita Industries, 29, Bhagat Singh Market, New Delhi. (Mobile No. 9810240250)


These agencies are engaged in manufacture of Thermometers / B.P. measuring Apparatus etc. and the collected mercury from hospitals which is almost in elemental form is used in their manufacturing process.


All matters related to MSW, STPs, CETPs, WTPs,, TPPs, Waste to Energy Plants, TSDF, Plastic Waste, Construction & Demolition Waste and Hazardous Waste.

The application for consent and authorization related to this cell is being decided by aforementioned committee for 2d categories headed by Chairman, DPCC.

This cell is also coordinating with the NGT matters related to leave burning / garbage waste and a What’s up helpline is also been launched for filling complaints / uploading the picture / videos of leave or garbage on mobile no. 9717593574.



The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change shall be the nodal Ministry to deal with the transboundary movement of the hazardous and other wastes in accordance with the provisions of these rules. 


VII. Functions and Activities of Legal Cell:
  1. All the cases of Supreme Courts, High Court, National Green Tribunal and related matters.
  2. All the cases of Lower Courts, Appelate Authorities and related matters.


VII. Functions and Activities of Laboratory Cell:

Air and Noise Lab:

  • Matters related to Operation and Maintenance of Continuous Ambient Air Monitoring Network.
  • Noise monitoring and analysis of the data generated by Noise Monitoring Network
  • Matters related to MSIHC Rules, 1989.
  • Chemical Weapons Convention Act 2000.
  • Matters related to GIS Project
  • Matter related to Battery Operated Vehicles
  • Collection, maintenance and analysis of the data generated from Continuous Ambient Air Monitoring Network.
  • All research project and development project / studies related to air quality / emission / fuel quality / solid waste / chemical etc.
  • Matters related to cell phone towers


Water Lab:

  • Water Quality Monitoring of River & other water Bodies (Lakes / Ponds Etc.), Ground Water Quality monitoring, Water Quality Monitoring of Drains, Effluent Sampling and Analysis of CETPs, STPs, Power Plants and industries.
  • All Research and Development Project / Studies related to Water Quality / Waste Water Treatment and Empanelment of Laboratories.
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